1. .
a. People who prepare XML documents sometimes put part of the document in a CDATA section because
the parser is liable to interprete some characters such as “&” and “<”as XML syntax
b. A CDATA section is indicated in the following manner: -
<![CDATA[Begining]]> End
There is a substitutional method whereby characters “<” is replaced by “<” and “&” is replaced by “&” which should achieve the same effect.
2. A parser is a software application used to interpret text documents one character at a time. There are two kinds, one of which ensures the document is well formed whereas the other ensures the document is valid.
3. A dtd file cannot insist the element appears exactly 3 times.
Longer Question
a. The following is a suitable prologue for the document we were looking at: -
<?xml version= “1.0”?>
<!DOCTYPE book SYSTEM “secondChapter.dtd”>
b) The following is a dtd file to accompany the document we studied: -
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE bookproject[
<!ELEMENT bookproject(titlepage,author+,publisher,location,titlepageverso,content+)>
<!ELEMENT titlepage (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT publisher(#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT location (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT titlepageverso(#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT content(chapter1,chapter2,chapter3)>
<!ELEMENT chapter1 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT chapter2 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT chapter3 (#PCDATA)>
c. I have taken careful consideration to the question asked and created the following code to mention of the poets at Geneva. I have also ensured that it mentions the pyroclastic flows and Mount Tambora and Sumbawa and the year without a summer and the famines.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<line1>A volcanic winter is very bad news.</line1>
<line2 key= “Mount Tambora”>The worst eruption in recorded history happened at Mount Tambora in 1815.</line2>
<line3 key1= “pyroclastic” key2= “Sumbawa”>It killed about 71 000 people locally, mainly because the pyroclastic flows killed everyone on the island of Sumbawa and the tsunamis drowned the neighbouring islands, but also because the ash blanketed many other islands and killed the vegetation. </Line3>
<line4>It also put about 160 cubic kilometres of dust and ash, and about 150 million tons of sulphuric acid mist, into the sky, which started a volcanic winter throughout the northern hemisphere.</line4>
<line5>The next year was the year without a summer.</line5>
<line6>No spring, no summer – it stayed dark and cold all the year round.</line6>
<line7>This had its upside. In due course, all that ash and mist in the upper atmosphere made for some lovely sunsets, and Turner was inspired to paint this.</line7>
<line8 poet= “Lord Byron”>The Lakeland poets took a holiday at Lake Geneva, and the weather was so horrible that Lord Byron was inspired to write this.</line8>
<line9>The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars Did wander darkling in the eternal space, Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air; Morn came and went – and came, and brought no day.</line9>
Mary Shelley was inspired to write Frankenstein.
The downside was that there were famines throughout Europe, India, China and North America, and perhaps 200 000 people died of starvation in Europe alone.
Lecture Reflection-WEEK 7 – Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
To create interactive web applications (client side) a good way to do it is by using Ajax, which is a solid web development technique.
A section on a page can be refreshed without the whole page doing so, so therefore certain sections can stay up to date with new information without the host having to keep refreshing the entire page.
Ajax consists of: -
1 Open Standards Based.
2 Usability and User Experience.
3 Cross Browser and Cross Platform.
4 Benefits of Regular Web Applications.
5 Low Incremental Cost.
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