Wednesday, 31 March 2010

CMT3315 – Laboratory 16 – 23 February ’10

Quick Questions

1. The JDK package called JAXP contains classes that provides three XML parsers which are “DOM”,”SAX” AND “STAX”

2. A DOM parser is liable to cause problems as the XML document when parsed into a DOM object will become larger than the existing file. This will be stored into the computers primary memory such as the “RAM” which will hinder the performance. The computer could crash as a result. The alternative to using a DOM parser is an SAX parser which only views the content bit by bit.

Longer Questions

A) The “endElement” prints out the value of “”qualifiedName” which is passed into the method “endElement” as an argument.

B) The startElement has a “for loop” which gets the values from the array attribute“a”. In this case the values from the getQName() and getValue() method’s are being retrieved and the for loop is being used to access every position of the array.

C) The “characters()” method takes 3 arguments and one of which is an array called “ch”. This method first turns array or characters “ch” into string “claimString” and then prints out part of the string that we made.

Lecture Reflection-WEEK 16 – XML Transformation (XSL)

In this lecture we had a recap on XSL (studied first in week3).

XSL is able to:

1 Transform XML documents into new XML documents.
2 Generate web pages from XML documents as well as HTML or XHTML.
3 Generate PDF documents from XML documents.

During this lesson we looked at examples of XSL and XPATH and I found it so much easier to understand because of the greater knowledge I have on this subject as opposed to what I did in week 3 (when we first looked at and studied XSL).

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